Monitoring: Amazon ECR
Amazon ECR is a container registry service that makes storing and managing your container images easy. Store your container images in a highly secure, private, or public repository. Amazon ECR is designed with security in mind, so your private repositories require IAM access control.
Why should you monitor Amazon ECR?
Keeping a close eye on your ECR Image scanning results is crucial. This is because Amazon ECR image scanning plays an important role in helping you to identify any potential software vulnerabilities that may exist within your container images. By closely monitoring these findings, you can help ensure that your systems remain secure and that any vulnerabilities are identified and addressed as quickly as possible before they can cause any damage or lead to security breaches.
How does monitoring Amazon ECR work?
Without further ado, marbot monitors Amazon ECR. Here is what a notification delivered to a Microsoft Teams channel looks like.
And here is the same alert in Slack.
How do you set up monitoring of Amazon ECR?
marbot works with Slack and Microsoft Teams. Please select your platform and follow the Getting Started guide.
Which events does marbot monitor in detail?
marbot creates EventBridge rules to monitor the following events automatically.
Event Type | Description |
ECR Image Scan |
Get alerted in case of findings with severity >= medium. |

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