marbot an alternative to OpsGenie, PagerDuty, and VictorOps

Andreas Wittig – 22 May 2019

We started working on marbot in 2016. Recently, I’ve been doing some research to compare our incident management solution with our competitors: OpsGenie, PagerDuty, and VictorOps. Find my biased comparison in the following.

Choose between marbot, OpsGenie, PagerDuty, and VictorOps

What do all four incident management solutions have in common? All solutions help your team to keep your systems up and running. They shoulder incoming alarms among engineers. The escalation strategy makes sure you are not missing any alerts. The following table compares all four solutions.

marbot OpsGenie PagerDuty VictorOps
CloudWatch integration
Other AWS integrations Great Medium Medium Medium
3rd party integrations
Configures AWS monitoring
Slack experience Great Medium Medium Medium
On-call shift planning Not needed Yes Yes Yes
Phone call and SMS Slack only Yes Yes Yes
Pricing (per user per month) USD 5 USD 9 to 29 USD 1.66 to 99 USD 9 to 49

So what makes marbot special? What are our unique selling points?

  • Slack app from the beginning. Therefore, marbot makes use of Slack features and integrations. For example, the online status of your team is taken into consideration when escalating alarms.
  • AWS first. We focus on providing you the best experience for monitoring your systems running on AWS.
  • Set up monitoring. It is a challenge to watch all your AWS resources. marbot helps you to set up monitoring based on blueprints.

In short: marbot fits best when you are …

  • part of a self-organized and agile team
  • running a critical workload on AWS
  • using Slack for team collaboration.
Andreas Wittig

Andreas Wittig

Consultant focusing on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Entrepreneur building Author of Amazon Web Services in Action, Rapid Docker on AWS, and

You can contact me via Email, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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Chatbot for AWS Monitoring

Configure monitoring for Amazon Web Services: CloudWatch, EC2, RDS, EB, Lambda, and more. Receive and manage alerts via Slack. Solve incidents as a team.

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